Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Telegram Tuesday 08.26.2008

Good morning, good morning, good people, good morning. You know me, I am Dragatha and I am back, so put on your good reading glasses because the time is right. Let me first apologize for the tardiness of this post. I am on the road and the internet was acting up, but you know like they say “You can’t keep a good ho down” so I am up and running again. And to those of you who had something to say about it not being up, you can kiss my ass, I don’t see any checks with your name on them coming my way.


So let’s get this shit started. First off I need more email, hardly any of you bitches emailed me this week . EMAIL ME ...

I picked out two good questions from two raggedy assed people. But first let me give my props to MObama and HRC, them sistahs held there shit DOWN!!! The packed a bag full of mess and unfolded every piece for these bitches. Michele was like “American Dream, what?” and Hillary took it all the way to the Underground Railroad…. You don’t bring up Harriet unless you serious … WHEW it was too much for this old girl to handle…

Dear Dragatha:

My man got me a new Louis Vuitton purse for our six month anniversary. He says it is real, and I want to believe him. Now, I know these purses are expensive, and he does not have a job. He says it is not stolen or from Eastern Market or Canal Street. But how can I be sure it is real?

Very truly yours,

- Deserves a real purse for putting up with his ass for six months

Dear Deserves:

What you deserves is an ass whooping or for you to get your weave loosened. Why in the hell are you with his sorry ass if he does not have a JOB???? This story is wrong on multiple levels. Let me examine them for you.

First off if he does not have a job, he should not have you. REREAD that shit, write it on a piece of paper, and put it in your fake ass purse. Why are you with a man with no job? What is it with you women? He must do something right and since you did not mention it I am going to guess.

- He is not a cook because you did not say that he can cook, and if he could he would what? HAVE A JOB! Even if it was at the Waffle House

- He does not have a drivers’ license because if he did he could upgrade that shit and drive a bus

- He has baby mama drama. Because he would be working if he did not have to pay all that support

So since I cleared up the sideline shit, here is the real, you are with him because he can “butter yo bread” and not with money honey. He is tearing you up like a paper shredder. You in love with a raggedy ass sorry man who can tap your ass like it is a beer keg. Plain and simple. So don’t bullshit me. Shit….

Who gives a damn if he bought you a purse? Futhermore, who cares if it is real, bitch you prolly work at the phone company who you trying to fool? I see you all the time on the Red Line to Shady Grove or on the Ghost Train to Midtown; girl you are on THE TRAIN, in a UNIFORM with a 800 dollar purse, Stevie Wonder can see that shit.

Girl, you better call it like it is, your man is on the Hustle and if he will run that game for you and buy you a fake ass purse you better take it and walk that shit like it is real. Walk that shit like you are in Milan and you are coming out right behind Tyra. Now, don’t take it too far because I can spot a real purse any day; and you may want to know how do I do what I do? Well, I look all the way down a bitch’s leg and I check out the shoes. If a bitch has on some Payless BoGo shit and is carrying a Louis Vuitton, she needs to save that for Halloween, because that is the best time to parade around like you in some shit.

Bottom line, get a man with a job. I mean Mr. Louis Vuitton may be spreading you like Jif but he aint helping you with anything but your libido. While you are at work he is either out hustling or in eating your pork rinds, using your hot sauce, drink your water, sitting on your couch, what Judge Mathis on your TV. All the while you robbing Peter to pay Paul, stealing power from your neighbors meter and calling your cousin to turn your water meter back. Girl get it together.

--- p.s. when you dump the Hustler give him my number….

Your Girl,

The Drag C

Dear Dragatha:

What is the best bikini to camouflage a large FUPA (fat upper pussy area)?


- Wants to have a great Labor Day weekend at the beach

Uh Wants To:

Ohh gurl. Uh, let me see, well. You should, damn. You have a what FUPA? I thought that was a Labor Union. Uh wait a minute, I am calling Dr. Oz….

Guuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. You in trouble girl, I just saw this commercial that your polar habitat is melting. I don’t know what you SHOULD wear but a bikini is not it. It is too cold where you are from….

But if you must go, wear some drapes, or a shower curtain since it is the beach, maybe even a box, or better yet a car. How about this, you don’t go because they will call the wildlife reserve to come get you because they will think you have beached….

Holla at your girl…

Always Honest,


Always remember...

....if need advice of have a dispute and cannot find Judge Judge ... Just email me bitch .. EMAIL ME @

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