Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wisdom Wednesday ... Beat his ass...

I dont know how many of you know of the little boy in this video

here, but you need to know him. He is an example of what happens

in the absence of ass whoopins.

I just wonder how life will be when I have children because when I

get home I am exhausted. I am too tired to change my shoes, too

tired to return phone calls, too tired to start dinner. Hell!

Sometimes I'm too tired to brush my teeth. But when I tell you

that if Latarion Milton were my grandson, I would muster up just

enough strength to snatch his adam's apple out with my bare hands,

after I had bust his head open to the white meat.

I used work with children almost everyday. I love them dearly, but

I have never come across a 7-year-old who would drive his

grandmothers car. I mean I would not even sit on the good

furniture in my grandmother's house, let alone get in her car. I

remember being damn near 20 years old and still sitting at the

kids table and better yet having to sit on that damn hump seat in

the front of the Cadillac.

Now during the course of researching this little bastard I came

actross this a story that talks about how he put his hands on his

own grandmomma. Not just any ol' grandmomma either...the one whose

car he just stole the week before, and the grandmomma whom he

asked if he could take her rental for a spin, and the grandmomma

whom told him he could not have chicken wings before he ordered

them anyway, that is when he got in a PHYSICAL fight with her.

But this is obviously the grandmother who is not beating that ass.

My grandmother would whoop my ass for thinking about the wrong

shit, I cannot imagine there is anyway I would think about getting

into a fight with my grandmother vocal let alone physical. I mean

I have 12 uncles, first my grandfather would shoot me like he did

my dog that ate his chickens, then my uncles would beat my like a

runaway slave, then my great aunt would cast a Haitian spell on

me; all that is to say it would never cross my mind. Besides my

granny would have cooked me some chicken wings.


You need to beat your kids.


You need to beat your kids so bad that they begin to feel that ass

whoopin whenever they think about doing wrong. See every child

needs to get to try something once. You get to talk back ONCE,

you get to curse your parents out ONCE, you get to have the school

call your parents ONCE, you get to stay out past the street lamps

coming on ONCE. Why once? Because when thety are done talking

back, cursing, skipping school, and hanging outside you take a

mallet and knock the FUCK out of them. I am convince you cannot

beat your kids like I was beat. I was beat like I was a Civil

Rights worker in Alabama. Just Beat. Today you cannot do that.

You have too many laws and shit, and phone numbers kids can call.

Also, I dont think the 25 minute ass whoopin works anymore, kids

are numb. Nintendo, PS3, Xbox all that has fucked up sensory

perception so what parents need is a weapon. Personally, I will

use a mallet. You know a good resin mallet. The kind you use in

band. I will use the same mallet all my child's life and each

child will have a mallet, until A) it has been worn to a nub B) I

have no use for it and the child sufficiently acts right or C) I

have to graduate to the pistol whipping.

Now, in the case of LaTarion you cannot tell me, from any point of

view, that this is because of the violence he's witnessed. This

has to somehow be related to the fact that no one loved him enough

to slap the shit out of him when he got out of hand. Hello

somebody! What he needs is a 'centerpoint' injury. What is that?

A 'centerpoint' injury is the kind you get that is the

'centerpoint' of every conversation that comes up after it


Example 1:

- Hoodrat Friend: "LaTarion why are your two front teeth gone?"

- LaTarion: "My grandmother hit me with a mallet in my mouth for

talking back"

Example 2:

- Hoodrat Friend: "LaTarion why are both your eyes black?"

- LaTarion: "My grandmother hit me with a mallet in my eyes

skipping school."

Example 3:

- Hoodrat Friend: "LaTarion why are both your legs broken and you

are in a wheelchair"

- LaTarion: "My grandmother ran me over for stealing her rental


.... you get the point..

The point is he would never do that shit again or I would be on

death row. PERIOD. Raise your kids right....

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