Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Hey... I know it has been a minute and I know a lot of you want to hear about my trip and you will but there are some things that take precedent... Like this... 



Teeth are very important in fact they are second only to skin in my book.  I would rather be blind and possibly deaf than to be missing my teeth or have a grill that is surprisingly jacked up.  So when an associate of mine lost his incisors I did not think too much of it, I mean we have 1st world dentistry here in the United States. 


Let me set the scene, he fell coming out of a gay bar and there was blood everywhere.  One piece of advice to those of you who go out with me; you get sloppy drunk and injure yourself, you are alone.  I will be supply you with an ambulance and then send you on your way.  What I will not do is be interviewed by the Police (proper nouned that shit) or the Press, because I am not trying to be in anyone’s public record dealing with a drunk mess. 


All that taken into account.  This drunk mess I know fell down the stairs and hit his face on the stair rail.  He was so drunk he walked home and did not go to the hospital until he noticed his 2 front choppers were dangly jangly in his mouth when he looked in the mirror.  This is when I noticed he had suspect friends; I mean I establish my rules up front, I will make sure you get medical attention beyond that no real promises, his friends on the other hand told him oh it is not that bad.  Where the hell are they from, West Virginia?


Well, it is that bad… trust me he looks a slap FOOL.  He looks like he just washed ashore from the LOST island or something.  Just two front teeth absent.  JUST GONE!!! Now here is the kicker, this happened about 6 weeks ago. Reread that – 6 WEEKS!!! Remember that 1st World Dental Care I spoke of.  Well in typical ‘run of the mill’ fucked up priority gay priority fashion he decided it was more important to go to some gay event in San Fran than to get his grille fixed.  Even better he has a temporary bridge that he refuses to wear because it is uncomfortable. ---- NEWS FLASH!!! ----  It cannot be any more uncomfortable than being able to see your tonsils when your mouth is closed, trust me.  It cannot be more uncomfy than looking at your mouth.  Now, those of you who are gay, and even those of you who are not, I need you to weigh this for a moment…. You are not going to go out and fish with paper anymore than you are going to go to a bar and try to catch some “cookie” with no front teeth.  More to the point, why in the hell are you going to be mad when people think you are on drugs?  You would have to be to come out looking like THIS!!!!



See, now that is a “hot FUCKING SHITTY PISS IN YOUR PANTS kinda mess”.  That is when you were not raised right, who does that shit?  Not me and if you are my friend and I catch you outside with your mouth looking like a bowling split, I will shoot you. Shoot you dead, it is worth prison when in the end someone will say, isn’t that Scooter’s friend; which is the exact reason I try to make sure everyone I know looks alright…   JUST MESS!! 

Double click the photo to see the mess... 


Ike said...


This shit should be a parable in the Gay Bible.

sammy.the.k said...

hahahaha wow.

(unless this guy was from Fort Worth, cause they don't have dentists there. just go to any gay bar and you'll know)